About Deb
Deb McIntosh - A Community Leader for Ward 9
As the current Ward 9 city councillor, Deb McIntosh has demonstrated over the past eight years that she works effectively with residents, business and community groups, and all levels of government to get things done.
Deb extended the fiscal responsibility and high achievement level she demonstrated during her career in Sudbury as an accountant, community volunteer and Executive Director of Rainbow Routes Association into her work as a councillor.
Since 2014, Ward 9 residents have appreciated Deb's ability to listen to their concerns, help them come up with new and alternative approaches to projects or concerns, and be the first to pitch in to make things happen.
Deb is committed to using her experience on city council and committees to work for Ward 9. She will continue to be responsive to the ward's needs and interests. At the same time, Deb will put her energy and critical thinking skills into collaborating on projects that will benefit the city as a whole.
Over the past eight years Deb capably demonstrated her ability to identify and troubleshoot critical issues as chair of:
- Planning Committee (2016-2018)
- Audit Committee (2016-2022)
- Operations Committee (2018-22)
and as a member of:
- City Council (2014-2022)
- Finance and Administration Committee (Vice Chair 2014-2022)
- Emergency Services Committee (2021-2022)
- Greater Sudbury Economic Development Board (2014-2018)
- Downtown Business Improvement Association (2014-2016)
- Sustainable Mobility Advisory panel (2014-2018)
- Newcomer Immigration Refugee Advisory panel (2015-2018)
- Nickel District Conservation Authority board (2014-2016)
- Watershed Advisory Panel (2018-2022)
- Solid Waste Advisory Panel (2018-2022)
- Public Art Advisory Panel (2018-2022)
Deb has been serving the following provincial organizations as a board member:
- Association for the Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) (2019-2022)
- Ontario Municipal Water Association (OMWA) (2020-present)
One of the best things about being a city councillor is getting to know and work with the people in Ward 9. It is very gratifying to have worked together on community issues and projects, and I am motivated to continuing that work for another term.
A resident of Ward 9 for almost 30 years, Deb is married to retired music educator Ralph McIntosh. Deb trained to become an accountant but more importantly Deb is by nature a caring mom, grandmother, daughter and friend to many.

Our community -- Our future
Deb's pledge to Ward 9: 2022-26
When Deb ran for the Ward 9 council seat in 2014, she promised to work hard. She laid out a four-part platform that would inform her decision making over the term of council.
Deb has kept this promise, and has worked tirelessly and collaboratively with many constituents, local businesses and City Council to improve the quality of life in Ward 9 and the City of Greater Sudbury.
For the next term of council, armed with the knowledge gained over the past eight years, Deb promises to continue working hard and make decisions based on a similar platform: fostering economic growth, protecting water, championing smart transportation and demonstrating good governance.

Sustainable Economic Growth in Greater Sudbury
Smart Transportation Connects our Community
Water Quality: Yes, We are Living with Our Lakes
Fiscal Responsibility + Accountability + Transparency = Good Governance
On May 28, 2019 the City of Greater Sudbury unanimously passed a motion to declare a Climate Change Emergency [see Members’ Motions M-1]. Further direction was given at a later date that all reports presented to Council or Committees of Council must include content that describes how the recommendation or information aligns with the Community Energy and Emissions Plan and, where appropriate, the impact on carbon emissions.
Reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change is an issue that affects all of council’s decision making. It will continue to be an overarching priority for Deb.
I was present at Council Chambers when you tabled your motion for a Climate Change Emergency. I was very impressed with your presentation and the work you put in to make it so comprehensive and poignant. It showed me how one councillor with initiative and passion can move a whole city forward.
V Lanthier
Thank you so much for doing the lion's share of the work in bringing this historic motion to Council. The future looks a little brighter today because of you.
M-C Lavallee
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you running for re-election?
Council launched several initiatives during our last term that I would like to see through to completion. I'd also like to initiate other projects related to my platform priorities. (See the "Priorities" tab on this web page for further details.)
Being a City Councillor is first and foremost an opportunity for public service. During my term on council I have enjoyed working with residents throughout Ward 9 on a range of exciting community projects. I was also able to help many individual residents in their dealings with the municipality. Through all of this I have learned a great deal, and hope to have the opportunity to apply that knowledge in the next term to accomplish even more, working for and with the citizens of Greater Sudbury.
In your opinion, what are the most pressing issues that still need to be tackled?
Short answer: Old roads, pipes, buildings and vehicles.
We need to continue to address our infrastructure investment shortfall. We have to repair or replace aging infrastructure, and that will require serious investments of time, energy and dollars.
We have several options, including raising taxes, reducing the level of services we provide, continuing to work on reducing inefficiencies and increasing the number of people sharing the cost of running the city.
Long-term success will require efforts in all four areas: we need to regularly review our service levels and how we deliver them; we need to support the growth of existing Sudbury businesses while enticing new business and talent to invest here; and we need to apply moderate tax increases as necessary to keep the city moving forward.
The ongoing balancing of services and expenditures takes considered effort. To grow our economy, we must make investments and offer incentives in the right areas at the right time in an effort to create an environment that will attract and keep businesses and jobs here. A growing economy, along with moderate tax increases and adjusted service levels and/or more efficient delivery, enables us to chip away at fixing roads, replacing pipes and city-owned vehicles, and renovating or replacing buildings past their best-before date.
What is an acceptable tax increase?
Nobody likes tax increases - what is an acceptable increase to one person will not be acceptable to another. However, our property taxes pay for important emergency services (police, fire, paramedic), roads, waste collection, parks, pools, libraries etc.
To maintain our current service levels we need to increase taxes every year. It would be ideal to keep that increase to the rate of inflation, with the knowledge that some costs rise faster than the rate of inflation eg energy costs.
To properly tackle our infrastructure shortfall (see above) we may want to look at increasing taxes a bit above the inflation rate through a special capital levy to replace/renew roads, pipes and buildings. I'd like to hear your thoughts on that idea.
What is your position on the Sudbury Community Arena?
We still have a 70-year old arena that has needed expensive emergency repairs, and was not built for the types of sporting and entertainment experiences that people want these days.
I would very much like to hear from you with your thoughts on what we should do at deb@debmcintosh.ca
Why does Council seem to meet in closed session so often?
I don't think anyone on Council likes going into closed session, but sometimes we have to in order to protect the municipality/corporation.
We go into closed to get legal advice, to buy, sell or lease property or discuss personnel issues including contract negotiations with the City's unions. The City Clerk is in attendance at all meetings and works to keep us "on topic".
If you feel at any time that we are meeting in closed session inappropriately you can share your concerns with the Ontario Ombudsman.

Want to:
- Share your vision for Ward 9 and Greater Sudbury?
- Get a lawn sign?
- Make a donation?
You helped me put a curb in front of my house when the builder I bought from said he would and then didn't. The city wanted $1200 from me. I contacted you and within a month I got a curb put in at the home builder's cost. I cannot thank you enough for your help with that! Got my vote!
Kayla Anderson, Ward 9 Resident